By Matt Warman, Consumer Technology Editor 447PM GMT twenty-three March 2010

Social networking site Facebook has launched a new discuss to inspire the twenty-three million UK users to rivet with the stirring choosing campaign. Democracy UK will ask questions and afterwards total perspective and debate. There will be unchanging polls and on choosing day itself, the site will additionally inspire users to pointer up to a pinned token dogmatic that they have voted.
Richard Allan, Facebooks executive of European open process pronounced that "Facebook has as majority users as voted for all of the 3 main parties in the last choosing - amicable networks will infer to be as executive to domestic discuss and the ubiquitous choosing as the post, the phone and radio have been in the past."
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The majority renouned statesman on Facebook is now Mayor of London Boris Johnson, who has some-more than 36,000 fans; of the main parties, the Conservatives has 25,094 fans to Labours 7,459 and the Liberal Democrats 7,829
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